(661) 259-7310
Vending machines in Encino

Vending Machines Available in Encino

With more than six decades of experience, Santa Clarita Concessions is the best choice to add vending machines to your Encino facility. Our variety of vending machines range from snack vending machines, to Coke/Pepsi vending machines, to food vending machines. We also offer coffee vending machines. We have a wide variety of products to choose from, and our food vending machines can offer such items as burritos, burgers and sandwiches. We’ll provide exactly the products you request. Also, we’ll regularly rotate in new items to keep your selection fresh and interesting.

Office Coffee and Water Filtration for Any Encino Office

Providing high-quality coffee in your Encino office is a great way to keep employees energized and happy. Santa Clarita Concessions offers a great office coffee program, featuring a wide range of brewing machines and different coffees and teas. If you’re looking for a higher volume coffee solution, our traditional by-the-pot brewers are best. Though “traditional” in how they brew coffee, they include many of the latest in convenience features. On the other end of the spectrum, our single-cup brewers allow employees the ability to brew exactly the type of coffee they want, with several variables to choose from to adjust the taste to their preferences. Once installed, we’ll regularly come back to replenish your supply. When we do, we’ll also restock your stir sticks, napkins, plates, cups, creamers, sweeteners and all other break room needs.

Self serve micro-markets service in Encino

Encino’s Micro-Market Provider

One the best break room solutions for any sized Encino office is to add a Micro-Market. This is essentially a mini convenience store installed in the break room, complete with attractive coolers, racks and displays. You can choose from hundreds of products to stock your open market, including many healthier and fresh food items not typically available in vending machines. Each store features an integrated self-checkout kiosk to make transactions simple. Employees walk in, grab the items they want, and scan and pay for them at the kiosk. Because the kiosks are never off, the store can stay open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, keeping those working very early or very late energized and productive.

Get the best in vending today. Call Santa Clarita Concessions at 661-259-7310 or e-mail for more information.